Behavioral Health Services
We offer supportive counseling to adults, children, and families in any phase of life to better handle their challenges. We help individuals and families deal effectively with mental illness and support recovery.
Adult Mental Health: Our holistic approach helps adults build on individual strengths and capacity for change, and live productively and independently in the community. When needed, we provide psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring to keep care on track. Specialized support is available for veterans and domestic violence survivors.
Children and Adolescent Mental Health: We help kids be kids with the normal ups and downs of growing up. Our services help children and adolescents with emotional difficulties to recover, strengthen family relationships, and succeed in school. We stabilize crisis situations and help keep children out of hospitals and other restrictive treatment environments.
Senior Counseling: Our services are designed to help families meet the challenges and opportunities of later years. We offer counseling, adult protective services, and support for caregivers, homeowners, and grandparents raising grandchildren.
Read client success stories
How to Access Services
Chicago, South Side
Calumet Center
235 East 103rd Street
Intake line: 773-371-3642
Midway Center
3843 West 63rd Street
Phone: 773-884-3310
Southeast Chicago Center
3062 East 91st Street
Phone: 773-371-2900
Chicago, North Side
North Center
3249 North Central Ave.
Phone: 773-371-3700
DuPage County
DuPage Center
222 East Willow Ave.
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Phone: 630-784-4800
Southwest Suburbs
Blue Island Center
13136 Western Ave.
Blue Island, Illinois 60406
Phone: 708-974-5800
Palos Hills Center
10537 South Roberts Rd.
Palos Hills, Illinois 60465
Phone: 708-974-2300