Fresh Moves Mobile Produce Market Stopping at Metropolitan’s Calumet Center
The Fresh Moves Mobile Produce Market is bringing its Mobile Market fleet (Fresh Mover buses #1 & #2) to the Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center. “We believe this is an innovative solution to food deserts, and a unique way to improve and encourage healthy eating habits,” said Audrena Spence, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center. The Calumet Center is a new community partner of Fresh Moves. The two organizations are working together to address the issues of “food deserts” like Chicago’s Roseland community.
Fresh Moves Mobile Produce Market buses #1 & #2 will make its first Southside stop at Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center to bring fresh produce and nutrition education to Roseland. Metropolitan clients and community residents will be introduced to the mobile markets – many for the first time. All will be invited to shop for healthy, life-giving food. Famed Chef Kocoa also will treat the crowd to a healthy cooking demonstration.
Thursday, Dec. 6
10:30 a.m.
Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center
235 E. 103rd Street, Chicago
Interview Opportunities:
Fresh Moves Executive Director Julian J. Champion
Executive Director of the Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center Audrena Spence
Clients of Metropolitan Family Services and local residents
After its initial stop at the Calumet Center the fleet will continue on to make stops at the Woodlawn Resource Center, Kennedy King College, Alex Haley Academy, Woodlawn Elementary School and Trumbull Park Homes.