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Programas y servicios

Apoyo y preservación de la adopción y la tutela

Provides home-based intervention to families formed through adoption or subsidized guardianship. Counseling and crisis intervention help address adjustment, grief/loss resolution, attachment, educational and emotional issues. This DCFS-supported program provides psycho-educational and support groups, workshops, and help securing resources.

Servicios de protección de adultos

Investiga las denuncias de malos tratos, abandono, explotación y autodescuido de personas mayores de 60 años y adultos con discapacidades de entre 18 y 59 años. Cuando se confirman las acusaciones de abuso o negligencia, se planifican intervenciones con el cliente, la familia y otras personas para reducir el riesgo de que se produzcan más daños. En caso necesario, se proporcionan remisiones a servicios jurídicos.

Servicios de salud conductual

Are provided for all ages and build on individual and family strengths, desires and capacity for change while addressing emotional, behavioral and life stress challenges. Services have expanded with our Team model and the addition of Case Management and Recovery Support Specialist positions.

Escuelas comunitarias

Operate during non-school hours and expand positive choices and opportunities for youth while achieving academic success. Tutoring, homework help, recreation, life skills, cultural opportunities and case management services are included.

Servicios de asesoramiento sobre violencia doméstica

For survivors of partner abuse and their children who have witnessed domestic violence. Staff provide safety planning, individual and group counseling, case management, information and referrals. Funding is provided by the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services.

The Early Learning Center-Based Sites

Offer high-quality, full-day services to children ages 6 weeks to five years in the Chicago Lawn and Greater Englewood communities. Routines, activities and events teach children to learn through play and develop social skills to prepare them for school. Team members design activities that meet children at their skill levels, so they can learn at their own pace with materials that interest them. Parents receive support and resources to meet personal and family goals in the areas of employment, housing, health, nutrition, and advocating for their children

Programas de visitas a domicilio para el aprendizaje temprano

Proporcionar a los futuros y nuevos padres la educación y el apoyo que necesitan en el momento del nacimiento de su hijo y durante los cinco primeros años de vida, que son los más cruciales. Las sesiones en el hogar se centran en proporcionar a los niños pequeños experiencias que fomenten un crecimiento y un desarrollo sanos y unas interacciones positivas entre padres e hijos. Las familias también se reúnen para realizar actividades, socializar y asistir a talleres.

La familia conecta Chicago

Family Connects Chicago (FCC) ofrece visitas a domicilio a todas las familias de Chicago con recién nacidos, con el objetivo de apoyar el bienestar y la salud tanto de los recién nacidos como de sus familias. El programa sigue un enfoque basado en pruebas y ofrece hasta tres visitas de enfermeras tituladas cualificadas, que también ayudan a poner en contacto a las familias con los recursos comunitarios necesarios, todo ello sin coste alguno. Metropolitan convoca la Junta de Alineación Comunitaria de la Región F de la FCC, que presta apoyo a la zona noroeste de Chicago. Para más información, haga clic en AQUÍ.

Equidad sanitaria

Metropolitan Family Services North, en asociación con el Northwest Center, forma parte de la iniciativa Healthy Chicago Equity Zones del Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago, en la región noroeste. El programa se centra en estrategias hiperlocales para hacer frente a los factores sociales y medioambientales que contribuyen a la desigualdad sanitaria y racial, con el objetivo último de cerrar la brecha de esperanza de vida racial de Chicago.

The Intake and Referral Program

Serves clients, individuals and providers. The program helps individuals and families seeking services get a welcoming, responsive and helpful experience that results in being connected to services
and/or resources.

Programa de propietarios de viviendas para personas mayores

Serves low- to moderate-income homeowners age 60 or older who have difficulty maintaining their homes. The program provides referrals to reputable home repair contractors, and links seniors to city departments and programs to help maintain their property. We also conduct workshops on topics such as reducing consumer fraud. It includes in-home or office assessments, family and individual counseling, support groups, case management and links to community resources.

Servicios de prevención del abuso de sustancias

Include prevention education in partnership with CPS to provide youth empowerment and resistance skills. The program also gives youth the opportunity to build leadership skills by participating in neighborhood data collection, a drug prevention communications campaign, and Drug Take Back events. The program further serves communities by promoting the Illinois Youth Survey to capture drug and alcohol data. The goal is to provide guidance to adolescents to develop positive commitments to their communities, to encourage healthy drug-free lives, and reduce unwanted or expired prescription drugs in the communities we serve.

Ley de oportunidades de inversión en mano de obra (WIOA)

An innovative workforce program for individuals ages 18 – 24. The program empowers youth to find and sustain employment and certification through services including pre-apprenticeship, alternative education paths, job coaching and placement, and hands-on training. Certifications include First Aid/CPR, NCCER Core, OSHA 10, and NCCER Carpentry.