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Programas y servicios

Apoyo y preservación de la adopción y la tutela

Ofrece intervención a domicilio a familias formadas mediante adopción o tutela subvencionada. El asesoramiento, la intervención en situaciones de crisis y la asistencia de guardia las 24 horas del día ayudan a abordar la adaptación, la resolución del duelo/pérdida, el apego y los problemas educativos y emocionales. Este programa apoyado por el DCFS también ofrece servicios de respiro terapéutico, grupos psicoeducativos y de apoyo, talleres y ayuda para conseguir recursos.

Servicios de protección de adultos

Investiga las denuncias de malos tratos, abandono, explotación y autodescuido de personas mayores de 60 años y adultos con discapacidades de entre 18 y 59 años. Cuando se confirman las acusaciones de abuso o negligencia, se planifican intervenciones con el cliente, la familia y otras personas para reducir el riesgo de que se produzcan más daños. En caso necesario, se proporcionan remisiones a servicios jurídicos.

Servicios de salud conductual

Offer supportive counseling to adults, children and families in any phase of life to assist in handling challenges related to mental health and recovery. When needed, psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring are available to keep care on track. Services geared towards children and adolescents help them recover from emotional difficulties, strengthen family

Programa de Desarrollo de la Mano de Obra de Comunidades Asociadas por la Paz (CP4P)

Trabaja para reducir la reincidencia llegando a personas de alto riesgo que son víctimas o autores de delitos relacionados con la violencia armada. A través de la Formación de Preparación para el Trabajo y la formación y certificación reconocidas por la industria, el programa de Desarrollo de la Mano de Obra CP4P ofrece a las personas desempleadas y subempleadas oportunidades para prepararse y conseguir un empleo significativo y sostenible. El programa trabaja con personas de entre 18 y 49 años.

Programas Escuelas Comunitarias y Escuelas Comunitarias Sostenibles

Are designed to coordinate community assets within a school and foster the holistic growth of young individuals between Kindergarten through 12th grade. Programming typically operates during non-school hours (before school, after school, and weekends) and aims to strengthen and develop youth in the areas of education, life skills, civic engagement, career exploration, social emotional learning, and physical and mental well-being. Services include before and after school programs (recreation and academic), cultural opportunities, case management, and family and community events. Using positive youth development and restorative approaches, programs foster family and community partnerships and empower youth voice and leadership opportunities.

Programa de asesoramiento sobre violencia doméstica

Provides safety planning and emotional support to survivors of abuse and their children witnesses. Services include individual counseling, educational groups, case management, linkages and referrals, community outreach, and educational presentations on domestic violence. The program is

The Jane Addams Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Program

Provides information about the Domestic Violence court system, support throughout the court process and safety planning to domestic violence survivors seeking orders of protection or the prosecution of their abusers at the domestic

Programas de visitas a domicilio para el aprendizaje temprano

Provide expectant and new parents with education and support they need at the time of their child’s birth and during the first three years of the most crucial first five years of life. Sessions in the home focus on providing young children with experiences that foster healthy growth and development and positive parent-child interactions. Families also meet for activities, to socialize and attend workshops to gain resources on health, including mental health, nutrition, housing, and employment.

Abuelos que crían a sus nietos

Provides assistance to grandparents (55+) who are raising children by offering support groups, resources, and referrals in the efforts to provide safe, stable, and loving homes for children.

Programa Puente a la Construcción de Illinois Works/MFS

Works to bridge the gap between the best-paid apprenticeships, women and people of color by providing 10-week, in-person pre-apprenticeship training, where individuals can earn industry-recognized credentials. The program also provides a weekly stipend and wrap-around social services.

The Job Training Economic Development Program (JTED)

Helps individuals who are either underemployed, unemployed or are facing one or more barriers to employment by providing career pathway opportunities and support services needed for successful re-entry into the labor force. We assist individuals in obtaining training with various training organizations, for careers in the Transportation, Distribution and Logistics industry and
in the Manufacturing industry.

Asistencia jurídica

Proporciona asistencia jurídica y educación comunitaria a personas con bajos ingresos en los ámbitos de la violencia doméstica, el derecho de familia, el derecho de la tercera edad, la vivienda, la inmigración, la trata de seres humanos, el empleo y otras áreas jurídicas.

Proyecto de cuidadores mayores

Helps caregivers (55+) plan for children’s long-term care by helping to establish a stronger support system through case management and linkages to community resources, to ensure the well-being and safety of the children and caregivers. Services are for foster, adoptive, and guardianship families in which concerns had been raised.

Paz en los hogares de Chicago

Proporciona servicios de apoyo individual, de grupo y de gestión de casos centrados en la construcción de relaciones sólidas y seguras para personas que corren el riesgo de tener o han tenido comportamientos perjudiciales en sus relaciones. El programa es voluntario, gratuito y para personas interesadas en aprender más sobre sí mismas y formas de mejorar las interacciones con sus seres queridos.

School-Based Counseling

Promotes academic achievement and social and emotional development among children, youth, and families to foster their success in life through individual and group counseling, family consultations, advocacy, and referrals in partnership with Chicago Public Schools in both Elementary and High Schools that are located near our center.

Service Coordination and Navigation Program (SCaN)

is a strength-based youth-driven program that connects youth with essential services to help reduce violence, stabilize their environment, and transition them into adulthood. The client must be 14-24 and actively or previously engaged in violence, have involvement with the criminal justice system, be disconnected from school, or be engaging in violent online behavior. The client must reside in Chicago Lawn or Gage Park.

Supervised Visits and Safe Exchange

Provides a safe place for court-ordered supervised visitations and safe exchanges for children exposed to domestic violence. Children visit their non-custodial parent without compromising the safety of an abused parent.


Operates during non-school hours and provides services to high-risk youth between the ages of 6 and 17. Programs expand the range of choices and opportunities that enable, empower and encourage youth to achieve positive growth and development, improve expectations and capacities for future success, and avoid risk-taking behavior. Programs provide youth with safe environments, caring adult role models, and guide them toward skills and opportunities to serve their communities.

The Early Learning Center-Based Sites

Offer high-quality, full-day services to children ages 6 weeks to five years in the Chicago Lawn and Greater Englewood communities. Routines, activities and events teach children
to learn through play and develop social skills to prepare them for school. Team members design activities that meet children at their skill levels,
so they can learn at their own pace with materials that interest them. Parents receive support and resources to meet personal and family goals in the areas of employment, housing, health, nutrition, and advocating
for their children.

Programa de empleos de transición (TJP)

Proporciona oportunidades limitadas de empleo subvencionado y experiencia de aprendizaje basada en el trabajo. El programa está dirigido a residentes de Chicago con ingresos bajos o moderados que carecen de experiencia competitiva en el mercado laboral. El apoyo al empleo subvencionado va seguido de un apoyo permanente al empleo no subvencionado. El objetivo final es ayudar a las personas a avanzar en la carrera profesional que hayan elegido.