Adoption Support and Preservation: Spotlight on the Hernandez-Contreras Family
The Hernandez-Contreras family has been actively working on providing support to their adopted daughter, Jazzie, since they were foster parents. When the adoption was finalized, they sought services with Adoption Support and Preservation Program at Metropolitan’s North Center.
Jazzie’s parents, Salvador and Temok, wanted to better understand how to help their daughter and encourage her, to share her thoughts and feelings with them and to express herself with peers in an appropriate manner.
In support of the family’s goals, their Adoption Support and Preservation therapist, Lizbeth, has been working with Jazzie on identifying her emotions and learning healthy coping strategies to manage them. Lizbeth is also working with Salvador and Temok, who are learning to understand Jazzie’s communication patterns.
Shortly after Jazzie started therapy, she began participating in group respite services. Taking place most recently over Zoom, the respite group gives Jazzie an opportunity to meet with other children close to her age to play, have fun, and work on her interpersonal skills. This has been a great outlet for her, especially as remote learning means she’s been limited in her other regular peer interactions.
Salvador and Temok share they have seen more motivation in Jazzie, as she looks forward to therapy sessions and her group respite. Jazzie has been responsive on working on her goals, and her parents have noticed a change in how she manages her emotions with others.
And, it was at Jazzie’s suggestion that our staff scheduled a support group session for Halloween; Jazzie is excited to show everyone her costume.
Way to go Hernandez-Contreras family!